is located in the »Haus des Buches« | Braubachstraße 16 | 60311 Frankfurt.
Phone numbers: +49 69 2102 -113 | -143 | -250 | -246
If you wish to visit us, please make an appointment.
is responsible for managing events, international cooperations, the literary award »LiBeraturpreis« and the best-of list »Weltempfänger« as well as the social media channels.
Tel.: +49 (0)69 2102-246
PR manager and online editor, responsible for our website and newsletter. Also the contact person for the translation funding programme and childrens' books.
Responsible for the finances of the organisation.
Tel.: +49 (0)69 2102-143 E-mail:
supports Litprom as a working student in various areas of work.
Litprom e. V. is not a literary agency. Please don't send us any manuscripts, we won't pass them on to German publishers or check them for a translation. If you are looking for a suitable publishing house, feel welcome to search our Sources-Catalogue.